The route for the spectacle that is NYC's annual Santacon isn't officially out till tomorrow night, but Gothamist got an early peek—and it's not pretty. Donner, Blitzen and the rest of their frat bros will start the day out in Williamsburg and Greenpoint, where everyone meets at McCarren Park at 10am, then moves onto various bars, including Verboten, till 4pm. From 1-7pm revelers will invade the East Village, as usual, in spots like The Delancey and the DL. Festivities are supposed to "end" at 7pm, but truly I'd bunker down till at least 8am Sunday morning. The strange energy alcohol allows will surely be burned off by then.
RECOMMENDED: Full guide to SantaCon in NYC
Me? I'm sleeping till noon, making popcorn, watching Parenthood on Netflix and drinking Bailey's and cocoa till I fall asleep again at 5pm, thanks very much. I'll be safe... for now.
There are always fun alternatives to Santacon and plenty of other holiday events—and you can always opt for Santanacon.