The first edition of Time Out New York's new monthly comedy show took place last night at Carolines, and those that braved the crappy weather in Midtown were treated to one hell of a show. Host Phil Hanley kicked things off by introducing our surprise special guest for the night - none other than the comedy legend that is Jim Norton, who let rip with some surprisingly heartfelt and touching thoughts on the matter of deep ass-cracks. Bonnie McFarlane followed with some (affectionate? Maybe?) bullying of the audience (sorry, Scottish people, we're sure she loves you really), then Ted Alexandro reduced the room to helpless giggles (who knew classical music radio stations could be so funny?) before Michelle Wolf closed out the show with one of the best awkward date text exchanges we've ever heard. See some photos of the show below, and if you didn't make it last night, there's always next month...

Phil Hanley

Bonnie McFarlane

Ted Alexandro

Michelle Wolf