If there’s one upside to having a walk-up apartment in New York, it’s definitely the constant self-congratulation over all the extra calories you’re burning. Do you want some extra guac on that burrito? Of course you do! You’ve got three flights of stairs to climb once you get home. But how many extra calories are you actually burning?
Most nutritionists say that you burn about 2.5 to 5 calories per flight of stairs. That’s assuming that the flight has an average of 12 steps and your weight is 150-160 pounds. If you want to get super specific, people generally burn .17 calories per stair climbed and .05 per stair descended.
So if you’re simply leaving your apartment in the morning and returning at night, you’ll be burning around the following extra calories per day by having a walk-up. Go ahead and pop an extra tic-tac this afternoon. You’ve earned it.