
Here are Bill Hader's 10 favorite movies

Joshua Rothkopf
Written by
Joshua Rothkopf

To create our distinctly amazing and unpredictable list of the 100 best movies of all time, we got 73 leading actors from around the world to contribute ballots and share their most-loved films with us, the ones that inspired them. Today, we showcase the ballot of inspired comedian and actor Bill Hader, formerly of SNL, recently of Trainwreck. This dude is smart about movies—like, really smart. Anyone who can shout out to both Jaws and Todd Haynes's Safe is okay in our book. Here are his picks and commentary.

1. Taxi Driver "I first saw this when I was in fifth grade at a sleepover and it completely changed my life. For me, it’s the best directed and acted film of all time. If you want to learn how to act on film, all you have to do is watch Robert De Niro in Taxi Driver."

2. A Clockwork Orange "I saw this AT THE SAME SLEEPOVER. A double mind-blower. My dad’s favorite movie. We used to listen to the soundtrack when he drove me to Little League games."

3. Ikiru "Kurosawa is one of my heroes and this is my favorite of his. A brutally honest and deeply affecting film."

4. Waiting for Guffman "I watch this once a year. Everyone in this movie is perfect. Every performance is beyond inspired. Watch the DVD extras to see Parker Posey’s character’s audition. It’s genius."

5. Network "My favorite satire (or Future-Predicting Film, which ever you like). Lumet’s films have always meant a lot to me. Anytime I meet an actor who had the privilege to work with him, I grill them and try to live vicariously through their experience."

6. Safe "Julianne Moore’s performance in this never fails to inspire me. She’s a master. If there’s one actor whose career I’d love to have, it’s hers. And she’s an amazing children’s author."

7. Love and Death "I love Diane Keaton in this movie so much. My first real movie crush. It’s nonstop jokes, but its played very real and loose, and it has the starkness of a Bergman movie! It’s insane, yet it completely works."

8. Kes "You might have to watch this one with subtitles, the Yorkshire accents are so thick, but it’s worth it. There’s a scene where a young boy explains to his class how he trains a kestrel that is one of the truly transcendent moments in film. It’s beautiful."

9. The Last Detail "Jack Nicholson is unreal in this. The scene in the hotel room, where he’s teaching Randy Quaid how to semaphore, goes from being hilarious to scary in a second. I’ve never wanted to hang in a room with a group of guys and yet alternately want the fuck out of there so fast."

10. Jaws "I watch it every 4th of July. It has everything you’d want in a movie. It’s what we’ll show the aliens when they land: 'This is called a movie.' ”

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