With apologies to the Bard, would a dumpling by any other name taste as sweet? To celebrate the first-ever National Dumpling Day, swing by Sara D. Roosevelt Park from noon to 5pm tomorrow for the 12th Annual Chef One NYC Dumpling Festival—which unites stuffed-dough masterpieces culled from around the world. Nibble on international offerings like Indian chicken curry samosas, Italian ravioli, and Latin empanadas in addition to Japanese gyoza, sticky rice spring rolls and the namesake Chinese steamed dumplings. Snack a la carte or purchase the $20-for-four passport, with proceeds benefiting the Food Bank For New York.
Beyond the meaty pockets, check out activities like a giant dumpling cutting ceremony, Korean drum performances, and the event's main attraction: a $2000-prize dumpling eating contest judged by world-famous competitive eater Takeru Kobayashi. Starting at 1pm (and likely ending five minutes later), intrepid eaters will go head to head with last year's champ Molly Schuyler to beat her mind-boggling record of 90 dumplings in two minutes. Not feeling competitive? Enter to win raffle prizes from the event sponsors including round-trip tickets from Delta or snap a photo with the walking Dumpling Mama mascot.

Dumpling mascotPhotograph: Facebook/NYC Dumpling Festival