
Help us find New York's best bartender

Will Gleason
Written by
Will Gleason
Content Director, The Americas

Ask any New Yorker, and it probably won’t take them too long to name their favorite bartenders in the city. From the friendly, familiar cocktail pourer behind at the neighborhood bar to the expert mixologist who wows with inventive creations, bartenders are a big part of what makes nightlife in this city so great. (And a big part of what’s keeping a lot of New Yorkers warm in this slushy weather.)

To celebrate our city's stellar drink slingers, we’re on a quest to crown New York’s finest bartender. Nominations are now open!

Point your favorites to the New York’s Best Bartender 2015 submission form to enter themselves in the competition. The top 100 nominees will be revealed March 5, and then you'll vote to help us determine the winner.

So if your local barkeeps deserve some recognition, get them to enter now! And in the meantime, head to the best beer bars in NYC or some of the city’s coziest bars to spread the word. Trust us, you’ll probably have a good time doing it.

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