Believe it or not, it’s now been three decades since Canadian comedy group The Kids In The Hall first formed, and 22 years since their legendarily punky, innovative sketch show began airing on CBS. These days, the “kids” are all in their 50s, and the hall in question happens to be The Town Hall, where they’re playing two back to back shows on Friday (followed by a show at the Capitol Theater in Port Chester the next day). To get ready for what’s sure to be one of the best comedy shows in NYC this week, we asked the former young upstarts what they’ve discovered in the process of growing up.

Kevin McDonald
“Maturity is not the accumulation of wisdom—it’s having the power to end the conversation with ‘Because I said so.’ And if stepchildren get mad at you for burning their dinner, never yell, ‘Hey! I was nominated for three Emmy's!’ Of course if you have won three Emmys it's a different story—it must be glorious.”

Mark McKinney
“We were quite young when Lorne Michaels told us, ‘You always go back to your last hit.’ [I thought] I got it right away: Don't be a hack and repeat yourself. Wrong! Now I realize it was pretty sound career advice: When lost, retrace your steps. Another thing to remember is that what goes around does not always come around: It’s waiting for you, sir, usually at home. I've also realized I need to accept that, to KITH fans, I will always be ‘the sexy one,' 'the pretty boy,' 'the best actor' and 'the funniest,' but to the troupe I am forever the guy who sent back the wine that one time. In 1992 for Chrisake! Let it go guys.”

Bruce McCulloch
“Cross your bridges before you burn them. And never get caught get looking down a girl’s shirt—up her sleeve is a lot more classy.”

Dave Foley
“The first thing I learned I learned about being a grown up is that its not just about getting taller (I learned that from Bruce McCulloch). Also, a self-help book is a good bluff that you're trying.”

Scott Thompson
“Wisdom is hard to come by for me because I only want to receive it from really hot young people, which is why people are always saying to me, ‘Hey Scott, my wisdom's up here.’”