Want to have a sleepover with dinosaurs? On just a few certain nights, the American Museum of Natural History hosts adults-only sleepovers. The next one is coming up soon, so go explore the empty halls of the museum’s exhibits—and drink underneath that famous blue whale—while it remains open for 15 hours after it closes to the public at 6pm.
The night starts with live music and a champagne toast with your new pal Theodore Roosevelt. Next, you can explore the empty halls (and mixed-up files) of all the museum’s exhibits.
There’s also a fossil tour led by flashlight and exhibits with live animals, though you’re welcome to club it up by the buffet dinner with wine and beer instead. (It’s a rare opportunity to make a tyrannosaurus rex your drinking buddy.)
Cots will be provided in the Milstein Hall of Ocean Life, so set up your sleeping bag under the whale and count plankton as you drift off to sleep.
Tickets are $350 ($300 for members) and the upcoming sleepovers are on August 5, October 1 and December 17.

Photograph: AMNH & R.Mickens