A massive, three-story mural of Bed-Stuy's own Notorious B.I.G. may be nearing the end of its run. According the collective Spread Art NYC, the owner of the building at Bedford Avenue and Quincy Street will be removing the rapper's giant, crowned visage to add more windows to the apartment building.
Painted in 2015 by collective artists Naoufal “Rocko” Alaoui and Scott “Zimer” Zimmerman, the mural is one of several public art works repping the MC—though, at 38-feet tall, it's certainly the biggie-est. Accord to an Instagram post last week, Spread Art NYC offered the building's owner $5,000 to keep the mural, but deemed the counter-offer ($1,250 a month) out of its price range.
This year is the 20th anniversary of Notorious B.I.G.'s death, and it was marked with several memorial events back in March. Still, if you want to pay your public respected to our top-ranked rapper at this particular spot, you better do it soon.