If you’re wondering what to do with your nails this weekend, Sally Hansen can totally help. The brand responsible for your favorite drugstore nail polishes launched a very important app today that solves one of our many woes—“What effing nail color should I wear?!”
With the ManiMatch app, the choice is simple. The program takes a photo of your hand, selects the most flattering hue that best complements your skin tone and gives your digits a virtual 3D manicure. And guess what? You can test out this cutting-edge technology at the brand’s three-day pop-up in Soho and score a free mani while you’re at it.
Get your hand scanned at the temporary salon, post your result on Facebook or Twitter and a nail polish vending machine will dispose free samples for you to test. Manicurists are standing by to deck out your digits through Sunday, so if ever there was a time to postpone your manicure appointment at one of New York’s best nail salons, it’s now.
120 Wooster St. Fri 18 3pm–7pm, Sat 19, Sun 20 11am–7pm. #ManiMatch

Photograph: Raydene Salinas

Photograph: Raydene Salinas