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While photos of stormy skies in New York sure are nice, walking in what feels like a never-ending rainstorm isn’t. There are several great rain gear shops in town, but you’ll be hard pressed to find a reliable umbrella for less than $15 that doesn’t belong in a cocktail or have My Little Pony on it. To make your lives easier during this downpour, here are five umbrellas (that don’t suck) for $19 or less. So when you accidentally leave your rain-shield on the subway (very likely), at least you won't feel completely gutted.
Keith Haring umbrella, $19,
Pearl River Mart solid red umbrella, $10,
Totes basic stick umbrella, $13, at
UNIQLO compact umbrella, $15,
Weather Station auto-open compact folding umbrella, $7, at
Been there, done that? Think again, my friend.
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