This awful cold has haunted New Yorkers long enough. Seriously, with the frozen rivers and all that black ice, this season has really put NYC in a tizzy. But hark, there is a light at the end of this frigid tunnel.
According to Farmer's Almanac, summer is supposed to be much hotter and drier than last year. Other than a possible tropical storm in August, weather is expected to be very warm but not particularly humid, which is great news for New Yorkers that know how sweaty NYC can get. Those of us who were around last summer know these predictions can be hella faulty, though. Either way, at least we know single-digit weather will soon be a thing of the past. Meanwhile, here are three things you can do to get in the spirit of the coming season:
The Orchid Show: Chandeliers; Imagine warmth as you stroll through this land of ornamental greenery. Oh look, a beautiful flower—finally!
Annual Queens County St. Patrick’s Day Parade; Ok, sure, it's not quite spring yet. But how about you "spring" into the spirit of outdoorsy things by heading to the beach for the annual St. Patrick's day parade.
Bargemusic; Go to Brooklyn Bridge Park for some free music on the barge on Saturdays. The glass windows will give you the sun without the chill, so you can "chill."