We're really looking forward to the Dumpling Festival, but this bazaar seems like a big Dill, too. If you haven’t noticed the giant gherkin (yes, we see the irony) running around NYC, Pickle Day is coming to the Lower East Side on September 25!

You can expect more than just a peck of pickles: There will be free entertainment such as GIANT Jenga, checkers and pickle cornhole as well as a DJ and a homemade pickling contest. (Think you got what it takes?)
Your mouth will pucker on cucumbers provided by Doctor Pickle, Messy Brine, Grillo’s Pickles, Crooked Carrot and The Pickle Guys. And a bunch of restaurants in the area will be offering delicious pickled-grub, like Wassail, Ice & Vice, Sam’s Spring Roll and more.
The festival kicks off at noon, Sunday 25 at Orchard Street between E Houston and Delancey Streets. We’ll see you there!