
Every woman looking to get involved in politics right now needs to check out this event

Written by
Jennifer Picht

Yesterday, thousands of women and supporters gathered at Columbus Circle during the National Women and Allies Protest, with the mission to "leverage collective power as citizens for immediate action against any effort to erode the rights of women and other vulnerable groups."

It is extremely honorable to see so many people (including straight, queer, trans, black, Latino, white, documented, undocumented, civilian, military, young, old, male and female individuals) speaking out during a questionable time in democracy.

But it is also extremely important for everyone—especially women—to educate themselves on how they can make a difference in politics right now. Few women are as active in bringing females to the forefront of our political landscape than Susannah Wellford, the President and Founder of Running Start. 

The Washington DC, non-partisan organization aims to educate women about how America's political system functions, including the difference between our political parties, how nominees are selected and how females have as much access and opportunity to be involved in politics as men do.

Most of us agree that the need for more badass females in office is high—"less than 1 in 4 political leaders are women." And there are very few women of color and young women represented among the elected. 

If you want to learn more about the latter subjects, and gain answers to questions like, "Where can I go to further my political knowledge?" or "How can I secure a job or role in politics?," Wellford is speaking at a special event at Theatre 80 St. Marks tomorrow night. 

The eye-opening seminar, hosted by a new women's group called The Camaraderie, will be open for questions. And Jane Taylor (founder of the Camaraderie) says, "You'll receive educated and accurate answers on political curiosities that women otherwise wouldn't have access to through mainstream media." And there will be free bags of BarkTHINS, so, it's a win-win. 

It may be too late to change the results of the 2016 election, but it's never too late to learn how you can make a difference today! Grab tickets here.  

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