
Emma Watson was giving advice for $2 in Grand Central this week

Written by
Hannah Streck
Emma Watson
Photograph: Courtesy CC/Flickr/UN Women

Emma Watson is a world treasure.

This activist has moved all of us with her #HeforShe campaign to promote gender equality, hiding books in subway, or getting us super excited for her debut as Belle in one of the most anticipated movies of 2017, Beauty and the Beast. Just this past week, she touched our hearts in the most low key way possible; becoming a therapist for Gothamites in Grand Central Station.


Just Emma Watson giving life advice in grand central station

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While Emma herself was not physically in the building (sad day), she had 21st century way of connecting with commuters via an iPad. All New Yorkers had to do was donate $2 (charity undisclosed at this time), to get an emotional boost from this gifted feminist.

Whether you were able to put your feelings and thoughts on the Post-it wall at Union Square or got some word of wisdom from sixth grader in Williamsburg; it’s always nice to get a motivational pep talk from a UN Goodwill ambassador. 

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