Move over, Ramen Burger. This August, Hannah and Marian Cheng, the dumpling-slinging sisters behind Mimi Cheng's, are offering a hybrid potsticker inspired by the acclaimed cheeseburger from Clinton Hill pizzeria Emily. While husband-wife duo Matt and Emily Hyland's eatery turns out standout pies, the burger has emerged as one of the city's sleeper hit patty-and-bun combo.
The dumpling doesn't stray far—doughy pockets nestle a blend of Fleisher's dry-aged, pasture-raised beef, aged Grafton white cheddar, caramelized onions and crushed pretzels (a nod to the burger's pretzel bun) with Emily's spicy, orange-colored EMMY dipping sauce on the side. Also on the menu for the month are summer-ready peach-cobbler–stuffed dumplings for dessert. We see many dumpling feasts in our future.