Downward dog has never been more literal, thanks to local yoga instructor Anna Farkas and Chase & Papi—a luxury pet concierge—which is hosting the event. According to am New York, Farkas is teaching a class in Bushwick on March 26, where you’re encouraged to invite your furry-friend. Yoga and dogs? What a brilliant combination!
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If you’re wondering what "Doga" looks like, well, we are too! But it looks like it involves performing normal yoga poses, like the upward salute (urdhva hastasana), warrior 3 (virabhadrasana III) and acroyoga, while holding your light-weight pooch—think the classic Lion King stance.
The class will be held at Sugarlift (200 Morgan Avenue, Brooklyn) at 10am, and there will be a complimentary snack bar for owners and their pets after each session. Tickets ($60) for the event can be found here, but the good news is that 20 percent of proceeds will be donated to the Brooklyn Animal Resource Coalition (BARC). Just remember to leave feisty, non-friendly pups at home. Namaste.