Lady Gaga wants her monsters to create a kinder world this holiday season, and they can do that by visiting her #ShareKindness Experience at 30 Rockefeller Center.
On December 5, Lady Gaga’s Born This Way Foundation, in partnership with the Today Show, opened the #Sharekindness Experience. This pop-up store is a one-of-a-kind service center devoted to sharing happiness with people in need. From decorating lunch bags for Kids Food Basket to creating holiday cards meant for hospitalized children and veterans, the experience is like one big creative art class. Each care station is devoted to a different cause and allows monsters to leave their personalized touch on donations. Stations are also equipped with a handsome attendant to guide you, so don’t be shy.
To kick off the holiday campaign, Lady Gaga visited the Ali Forney Center in Harlem where she shared intimate details of her own personal struggles and dropped off bags of goodies. At the #Sharekindness Experience, you can donate loose change to the Ali Forney Center and even take a #KindMonsters and #HackHarassment pledge, saying you'll promote everyday kindness and a safer internet.
The #ShareKindness Experience is open daily at Rockefeller Center from 10am-6pm until December 23.