It's hard to believe that it's been a week since the presidential election results ushered in a surreal new world order. New Yorkers have spoken out against the upset in peaceful and collaborative ways, with several large protests in Manhattan last week, along with "Subway Therapy," an art project that allows subway passengers to stick cathartic post-its on the tunnel walls at the 14th Street station.
Though thousands have posted notes on the wall, yesterday saw a surprising stickie from Andrew Cuomo. The governor shared an inspiring note yesterday that reads: "New York State holds the torch high, Andrew C. 'Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to be free, I lift my lamp beside the golden door, Emma Lazarus, Statue of Liberty.'"
When it comes to keeping it classy, Cuomo clearly takes the cake. It's good to know that even if we're descending into a real-life Biff's World, at least our Governor has his head screwed on right.