Tis the season for recreational biking, and CitiBike is on it. They're ramping up technology and improvements in time for 90,000 riders to enjoy a summer of cycling, starting with these four updates:
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1. From now on, users will have real-time information on both the Citibike app and website, so you'll always know if you can make it in time to nab that lost open slot near the Bedford Avenue stop.
2. Stations will be more reliable and user-friendly thanks to new, easy-to-use kiosk screens and key dispensers so you can order and ride on the same day.
3. All 6,000 bikes currently in use will be repaired, while more than 4,000 have already been checked out.
4. CitiBike is switching out the hardware at all the stations so there will be less bugs when you return your bike to a dock, and all annual members will now receive an email after every ride confirming their trip is closed (no more standing there and pulling on the handlebars for 30 seconds to make sure it's really in there). Finally, they'll be adding more valet service, transferring bikes to less busy stations so you don't have to wait for a dock, at the most packed stations, like 7th and A and Dumbo.
Plus, there's a bunch of new stations on the way soon! Just think, soon we'll be meandering through the city, the wind in our hair, perhaps the skyline at our backs, enjoying the warmth of a sun that doesn't set till 9 at night. It will happen, guys.