If you own one of the 84,000-plus dogs that are licensed in New York City, chances are rather good your pup is either named Bella or Max.

New York City Department of Health
The Health Department released the most popular dog names of 2015 yesterday, and for the seventh year in a row Bella is the most popular name for female dogs (lots of Twilight fans out there?), followed by Lola, Lucy and Daisy. Max is the most popular male name, followed by Rocky, Charlie and Buddy. Thirty-five percent of NYC's dogs live in Manhattan, followed by 25% in Brooklyn, and lots of pups are named after fruits (Olive), vegetables (Ginger) and flowers (Daisy). The info even breaks down which names are most popular by breed, such as Tina and Frank for Dachshunds and Princess and Chico for Chihuahuas. You can check out dog name popularity by neighborhood here and see how your pet measures up, or check out this insanely cute pics from the Halloween Dog Parade to hold you over till you're back home with Fido.