Urban farming seem to be the new thing in NYC, but a concept for a combination condo/gallery/farm near The High Line is taking the idea and running with it. This trapezoidal, cubic zirconium of a structure is the handiwork of Weston Baker Creative Group, which describes the proposed 12-story development as a “Hybrid Farm Apartment Building.”

Its design is nothing if not ingenious, consisting of envelope of glass enclosing a stack of floor plates that step down in a twisting configuration like a spiral staircase. Part of each floor will be taken up by a garden growing produce. The faceted exterior meanwhile, is shaped that way to capture sunlight throughout the day.

Weston Baker’s proposal is sited on a plot of real estate next to The High Line originally slated for a building by starchitect Rem Koolhaas, and will include a gallery and a public space level with The High Line. That’s if it ever gets built, which is doubtful. In the meantime, the design certainly puts an shimmering twist on farm fresh.