When it comes to depicting real-life New York situations, stock photos don’t exactly have the best track record. Spend some time searching for something like “New Yorker drinking coffee” or “riding the subway” and you’ll probably get a bunch of photos of smiling blonde women drinking from mugs in a Courtyard Marriot and pensive men on Chinese commuter trains.
The good people at WNYC stepped up to the plate to remedy that situation today, by releasing a collection of accurate stock photos of quintessential NYC situations. Check out a few of the recognizable moments below—from stealing cabs to hogging subway poles—then head over to see the rest of the collection on Flickr. Banner ads may never be the same.
Photograph: Courtesy Creative Commons/Flickr/WNYC
Woman Looking for MetroCard and Blocking Turnstile While People Wait to Enter
Photograph: Courtesy Creative Commons/Flickr/WNYC