Eggnog Bay, Gum Drop Row, Toffee Boulevard: these tempting locales sound like the creations of a sugar-coma fever dream, but starting today, they actually exist—you’ve just gotta travel to Queens to find them.
Just in time for the holidays, GingerBread Lane, named the world’s largest gingerbread village (according to Guinness World Records in 2013 and 2014), returns to The New York Hall of Science in Flushing Meadows to reclaim the title for the third year. A fully edible wonderland made entirely of gingerbread, royal icing and candy, the village covers a stunning 500 square feet and includes more than 1,000 individual houses and structures, including a double-decker, Coney Island-style carousel and a model department store evoking turn-of-the-century shopping destination Gimbels.
The project takes all year to develop and complete. Last year’s iteration weighed 1.5 tons, comprised 3250 pounds of icing, 750 pounds of candy and 600 pounds of gingerbread dough. You’ll have until January 10 to check it out; starting at 11 am that day, the entire village will be dismantled and given away, so if you’re still hankering from some (possibly stale) gingerbread, be sure to stop by then.
GingerBread Lane is open Monday through Friday, 9:30 am-5 pm, and Saturdays and Sundays from 10 am-6 pm. For more info, check out the official website.

Gingerbread LanePhotograp: Ann-Sophie Fjelloe-Jensen

Gingerbread LanePhotograph: Ann-Sophie Fjelloe-Jensen

Gingerbread LanePhotograph: Courtesy of Insider Images/Andrew Kelly