All is not great in the land of 8s.
For years, personal injury lawyers Cellino & Barnes (aka Ross M. Cellino Jr. and Stephen E. Barnes) have stared out at New Yorkers with welcoming, helpful smiles from subway advertisements, billboards and television sets. “Hey,” their faces seem to say. “Suing someone really isn’t that hard. It can actually be fun!”
Their local commercial also has what may the catchiest jingle ever recorded:

The number is literally all 8s! They didn’t even need a jingle! It really goes to show just how above-and-beyond these guys will fight to get you the money you deserve.
But alas, this personal injury power couple seems to be heading for a break-up.
In a shocking turn of events, Cellino officially filed a lawsuit against Barnes yesterday in the Erie County branch of the New York State Supreme Court. The only public document was an order requesting Barnes appear before the court on May 19 to show cause as to why the firm should not be dissolved.
For everyone who's drifted off to sleep while listening to that soothing jingle, let’s hope he makes a solid case.