Ever since the invention of Tinder, dating has never been the same. From professional matchmaking websites to apps like OkCupid and Hinge, all of these services are perfecting the art of getting millennials to pay to get laid… and find true love, or whatever.
Now, female-empowered dating app Bumble is taking monetization to the next level by opening a physical space, which will not only act as a meet-up station for the app’s active participants, but for any wannabe dater looking for a place to meet eligible ladies and gents. Because, y’know, there aren’t enough bars to meet single people in f*cking New York City.
The Soho lounge, which is called The Hive, is actually more than what it seems. In fact, the spot could primarily become a cool networking space for folks to engage with other humans IRL—not just a place for the birds and bees to meet. To make the experience extra comfortable for all, there will be a coffee shop and a liquor bar serving drinks for purchase, and the joint will also host events, including talks and panels covering subjects like relationships (obviously) as well as female entrepreneurship (hell yeah!) and more. Currently on the lineup: A Q&A with Bumble founder Whitney Wolfe and the founders of theSkimm; Drybar is hosting a style session and Forbes is taking over with a Mentor & Mingle panel.
As of now, The Hive has a month-long shelf life (open now through June 25), but the possibility of an extension is not out of the question. One thing's for sure, it's going to create a lot of buzz. (Sorry, we couldn't help ourselves.)
The Hive at 158 Mercer St. Open Thu, Fri 8am–2pm, 4pm–10pm, Sat 10am–2pm, 4pm–10pm, Sun 10am–8pm.