The web series-turned-HBO TV show High Maintenance is an insightful portrayal of life in New York. The show follows a cannabis dealer, simply referred to as "The Guy," and his interactions with a variety of offbeat clients who are all united by their affinity for that sweet, sweet devil's lettuce.
Many a New Yorker can relate to the types of characters that The Guy encounters in the series, which often inspires its fans to utter the insufferable sentence: "This show is my life." Next Tuesday, that sentiment could literally become true, as High Maintenance is hosting a dance party at Bushwick's House of Yes that will be featured in an episode of show.
Attendees are asked to dress up in their "most spectacular looks" with an emphasis on gold, silver and other themes that are "worth of a god or goddess." The show even set up a Pinterest board for inspiration. Costumes are mandatory, so start stocking up on glitter sooner rather than later.
The event kicks off at 9pm, and filming starts an hour later. Free pizza will be served, and "Dionysus drink specials" will be available. Be sure to show up early—the room is expected to fill up fast. The event description doesn't explicitly encourage guests to puff on a jazz cigarette before arriving, but it's so funky and weird that one would be remiss if they didn't.