
Astrologer Susan Miller takes a look at Donald Trump's chart and tells us what fall has in store

Written by
Jennifer Mattson
Photograph: David Williams | |

Astrologer Susan Miller is a local treasure. She grew up on the Upper East Side and learned about astrology from her mother. Now she writes the popular monthly forecasts at Astrology Zone—which a staggering (and passionately dedicated) 6 million followers read every month. We caught up with Miller at the Dunkin Donuts where she usually writes her lengthy horoscopes (what, did you expect her to be surrounded by crystals and orbs?) about what to expect post-summer and beyond. 

What do Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton’s charts look like?
Jupiter, the planet of fortune, moves to Libra on September 9. This will affect Mr. Trump very much.  All year, Mr. Trump has had Jupiter protecting him like a bodyguard but on September 9, Jupiter takes his warmth and protection with him. Mr. Trump will have to work triply hard to have the kind of popularity he has enjoyed this year. Mrs. Clinton, a Scorpio, will do well with Jupiter in Libra. Astrology is not about predestination. You are in control of your own fate and, of course, the candidates are too.

What about Election Day, November 8?
Due to Neptune’a proximity to the moon on Election Day, many people will vote on surface impressions, so it will be vital that the voting public read up on each candidate. Neptune's close alignment to the moon also suggests the race will be extremely close.

What’s the forecast for everyone this fall?
It’s full speed ahead, at long last. The first half of the year was difficult, now the universe is saying “you’ve done your work.” Now, you can investigate new projects.

What’s the luckiest day of the year?
Sunday, September 25. The sun meets Jupiter, the giver of gifts very early the next morning, at 2:56am. [It will be] like a soufflé: Once it peaks, it falls immediately. It’s a healing day, great for collaborations, either in love—go to city hall [to get married]—or at work—launch a campaign or new business. Other lucky days include: August 22, 27 and October 11.

Can you predict the future?
I predict cycles: when to take advantage of certain conditions and when to hold back. It’s up to you to act on it.

How do you figure out the forecasts each month?
Because I am a classical astrologer, I look at NASA’s calibration of the planets to make my charts. I make 12 charts. I look at new moons, full moons and eclipses. Coming up, the September 30 new moon is a favorite. It’s all sugar and spice.

What is your process?
Starting on the 20th of every month, no one can talk to me. I am working everyday and take about seven hours to write each sign. I always start with Aries, the first sign in the zodiac.

Susan Miller will make a free appearance on August 18 from 6-7:30 p.m. at Barnes & Noble at 97 Warren St. to discuss The Year Ahead: Forecast for the Second Half of 2016 into 2017 

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