The war on terror is in the news again, but do you know what the most nefarious threat to America really is? The war on Christmas! Oh sure, scoff if you like, but consider that now everyone is obliged to wish people "Happy Holidays" instead of "Merry Christmas," which is a lot more fun to say because "merry" is merrier to say than saying "happy." Also, you can say "happy" any time, while saying "merry" is strictly a once-a-year proposition, unless you work at a Renaissance Fair or something.
Anyway, the most recent outrage against Christmas comes courtesy of Starbucks, no stranger to outrage since it charges $5 a pop for burnt-tasting coffee. This year, instead of decorating its yuletide cups with symbols of the season, Starbucks elected to issue plain red cups, with the Starbucks logo printed on it in green. That's it. Now, you might ask, What's the big deal? But Catholics call that a sin of omission, which, while maybe not as bad as a sin of commission, is still a sin. Plus, it's just plain passive aggressive.
Luckily, a Washington Heights artist Richard Herrera has come to the rescue, creating his own collection of Starbucks Christmas cups by taking the offending beverage containers and customizing them with images of Xmas-related pop-cultural characters. They range from the Grinch to Frosty The Snowman, who, as everyone knows, are in The Bible along with the Star of Bethlehem. (Need proof? Watch Fox News!). So thank Allah/Buddha/Jesus/Krishna/Yaweh that there's still one American left who's willing to stand up to this latest of red menaces.