
And the best movie of all time is…Tootsie!

Joshua Rothkopf
Written by
Joshua Rothkopf

What’s the best movie of all time? Depends on whom you ask. We've ranked the 100 best movies of all time, and to help us with the list, we reached out exclusively to actors: stars as varied as Oscar winner Juliette Binoche (The English Patient), motion-capture artist Andy Serkis (The Hobbit) and inspired funny man Bill Hader (Trainwreck)—73 performers in all. In doing so, we discovered a different set of priorities. At first, we were more than mildly surprised that Tootsie (1982), an exquisite cross-dressing comedy, took the list’s top spot. But it’s beginning to make sense: Not only is the film actually about an actor (Dustin Hoffman, at his soulful best), but it expressly concerns the art of transformation and the risks and rewards involved. Tootsie is a movie about being responsible to your own heart. And it's really good. Curious about the others that made the top? Explore the list, check out who voted and count how many you've seen. And, of course, tell us your own favorites in the comments!

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