
An epic breakfast festival is returning to NYC

Written by
Alyson Penn
Smorredbrod at Great Northern Food Hall
Paul Wagtouicz | Smorredbrod at Great Northern Food Hall

New York's BrunchCon this March was disastrous (long lines, too little food). Here's wishing better luck to BreakFestival, a morning-meal–focused food fest from Extra Crispy that's returning to NYC for a second year. Entrance is completely free, with more than twenty restaurants inside purveying a.m. eats. 

Be on the lookout for a la carte grub from Nom Wah Tea Parlor, Talde Brooklyn, Avocaderia, Speedy Romeo and Great Northern Food Hall, with a spread that will include breakfast sandwiches, pastries, avocado toast, dumplings and plenty of coffee.

The festival will take place on June 10th from noon to 8pm in Brooklyn's Industry City.

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