Each week in our Undateables column, we pair up two lovelorn New Yorkers and send them on a blind date to see if they’re a match. Ever wondered whether any dates turned into something more? So have we. This week, in honor of our singles issue, we’re following up with five former daters to see how things panned out. Lastly, we hear from Emily and Ted about life after their mediocre blind date.
The date: Emily and Ted both walked away from their date feeling lukewarm. They had a okay time, despite the fact that Ted had biked to the restaurant on a hot summer day and was mostly worried about being too sweaty, but neither felt a spark.
And then:
Emily: When I saw the issue, I couldn't believe he said the highlight was the chocolate cake. I was trying to be nice in my follow up, but to be honest I'd rather have stayed at the bar watching the World Cup with the staff.
Ted: The issue was pretty popular around my office for a while. Nobody knew I lived a double life as an undateable. I didn't reach out, but I went on a Tinder date the week the magazine came out. My name on Tinder is Harold, but when I did the Undateables it said Ted because I go by my middle name. When I told my date to call me Ted, she gave me a weird look and was like, ‘You’re Ted from Undateables!’ I was like, Oh dear this could go badly. But it turned out she’d seen the article and thought, 'I’d date that guy.' For the next couple of weeks, we’d exchange Undateables articles. Now we’ve been dating almost seven months. I feel like it was one of those things where you have an ailment but don’t know what it is, and when you finally get diagnosed, you can find the cure. It worked out pretty well.
Want more Undateables follow-up? Read about a terrible second date, an awkward run-in, a classic fade out, and two daters who are still in touch.