If you have any braaains, you should check out the Rocking Dead: An interactive theater performance and dance party aboard the Lightship Frying Pan.
Picture this: A post-apocalyptic world, where Manhattan is quarantined due to the impending zombie virus, which remains dormant in an individual until he or she triggers it through extreme anger. It’s the end of the world, as we know it, so shake it off with booze and tunes and celebrate the “humanity that still resides in us all.”
Pretty cool, huh? The idea, hosted by Playing with Reality, is similar to past, interactive performances such as Sleep No More and Then She Fell, but this time, the attendees become primary characters themselves. All the world’s a stage, right?
But if you know you’re no Rick Grimes from the Walking Dead, don’t fret. Participation is not required. And the immersive play is equally as much a performance as it is a dance party, so expect Zedd-like mixes by DJ Deadmeet while 12 actors and 13 willing participants set the scene.
The story will run between 90 to 105 minutes and while most of the dancing takes place on the dance floor, the story moves about the 86-year-old lightship that spent three years at the bottom of the Chesapeake Bay before it became a Chelsea hotspot.
You can check out Rocking Dead every weekend next month from 7pm–9pm (May 2, 9, 16, 29 and 30), but cop your tickets ($20) now because space is limited. There will be happy hour drink specials, but make sure you stop at the ATM prior to the event—the bar is cash only.