Before you get adorable springtime baby animals at zoos in New York, you get this. (But we’re so close to warm weather, promise.) Animal Adventure Park in Harpursville, NY (that’s about a three-hour drive outside the city), is currently livestreaming a video of a giraffe about to give birth. Aw! And also, ew!
The giraffe’s name is April, and it will be her fourth calf. The calf will be about six feet tall when it’s born (that’s short for a giraffe). Once the baby is born, there will be a contest to name it, though basically nothing could be better than the baby camel named Alexander Camelton.
Last night, two of the videos on YouTube were flagged for being “sexually explicit,” according to the zoo, but it appears to be up and running now, with nearly 50,000 viewers.
Watch the live video below!