The future is female—yes!—but so was the past, as presented in a new look at women’s political activism for equality. Museum of the City of New York debuts a new exhibition, “Beyond Suffrage: A Century of New York Women in Politics,” which shines a welcome spotlight on those who have changed the course of women’s involvement in diplomatic matters in NYC and beyond during the past century. Explore documents, costumes, photographs, magazine covers and audiovisual pieces honoring badass feminists and leaders such as Gloria Steinem, Melissa Mark-Viverito, Tish James and Hillary Clinton.
Rare and recent artifacts—like a Women’s Political Union pennant circa 1917 and a NYC Women’s March poster from January 2017—are evidence of how hard and long women have fought for important causes related to health and labor laws, including redefining their role in government and demanding equal rights. Come along, support the battle, get schooled, and marvel at the ladies who make New York damn great.
“Beyond Suffrage: A Century of New York Women in Politics” opens Wed 11 through July 2018 at Museum of the City of New York (212-534-1672, mcny.org). $18, seniors and students $12, children and members free.