
A giant human chess board has been installed under the High Line

Will Gleason
Written by
Will Gleason
Content Director, The Americas

Navigating familial relationships can often feel like a game of strategy, but a new art installation at the High Line is taking that idea to a whole new level. 

High Line Art has commissioned a new piece from New York-based artist Darren Bader. The installation, titled "chess: relatives," was installed this past Saturday under the High Line at 13th Street, and invites guests to take part in large-scale chess games during park hours.

Rather than using traditional chess pieces, however, visitors are encouraged to assemble "teams" using their own friends and family. The willing participants are then arranged on the board based on their relationships to one another. (You can find more detailed instructions here.)

So if you’ve got 16 relatives who wouldn’t mind sitting on a stool while you told them what to do for an afternoon, head on over to the West Side! But don’t worry, you still have a while to come up with some volunteers. The piece will be on view until April 2018.

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