Well, that's a wag—er, we mean a wrap—on the Westminster Dog Show competition in NYC. After sending our photographers to capture all the adorable pups getting primped and proper for the competition, we sent them back to Piers 92/94 and Madison Square Garden to catch the dogs in-action. The canines were judged within multiple categories ranging from Working, Sporting to Terrier.
RECOMMENDED: Westminster Dog Show guide
We heard Rumor, a German Shepherd, won Best in Show. (According to our photographer, Rumor is the dog's name. That is a fact.) In case you missed the event and didn't get a chance to catch all the cuteness on TV, take a moment to peep at all of these precious puppy photos below. (Especially the shot of the Beagle who couldn't, er, hold it.)

Photographs: Lauren Spinelli