There are plenty of things that make it fairly easy to spot a recent New York transplant. These include a sunny, optimistic outlook on life, an enthusiasm for weekend NYC landmark exploration and Laura Ashley quilted totes. They also include the following New York newb behaviors from naive commuting to unwise spending habits. (If you just moved here, no worries. They usually only take a couple days to break.) Do you want more great stories about things to do, where to eat, what to watch, and where to party? Obviously you do, follow Time Out New York on Facebook for the good stuff.
1. Stopping on the street for the clipboard people.
2. Taking cabs all the time because that’s not gonna add up.
3. Buying tons of groceries.
4. Refusing to travel outside their borough or neighborhood.
5. Deciding that it’s too dangerous to ever bike anywhere.
6. Waiting for the light to turn red before crossing the street.
7. Paying the suggested donation at museums.
8. Spending a day walking around Times Square. On purpose.

9. Paying for a Circle Line tour when you can just take the Staten Island ferry or New York Water Taxi for free.
10. Blocking the sideways while they’re texting on their phone or talking to a friend.
11. Paying full price for Broadway tickets instead of using TKTS or TodayTix.
12. Getting offended by someone yelling or cursing at them on the street.
13. Getting horrified by seeing a rat on the street.
14. Saving serious relationship conversations or cry sessions for their apartment.
15. Spending time trying to find a public restroom. (We've got some bad news.)
16. Pronouncing “Houston Street” like the city in Texas.
17. Instagramming the skyline every chance they get.

18. Spending hours trying to hail out of service, off-duty or occupied taxis.
19. Getting nervous about taking their shirt off in a park in the summer.
20. Thinking that dating in a city filled with so many people can’t possibly be hard. Right?
21. Not carrying cash.
22. Taking off their headphones.