By Time Out Contributors, edited by Will Pulos
This week, Time Out New York is celebrating our 20th birthday (we can almost drink!) and, as with most birthdays, it’s making us a little nostalgic for the past. As much as things have changed since 1995—with new waves of innovators and a brand-new skyline—a lot has stayed the same. These 20 things for instance.
1. The C trains. We're pretty sure they haven't changed since 1965.
2. Hatred for the MTA.
3. The melodious sound of honking constantly filling the streets.
4. Donald Trump’s hair.
5. Street hot dogs.

6. The Sbarro’s in Times Square. It's probably just reheating the same pizza, actually.
7. Katz Deli is still the place to go for pastrami.
8. Duane Reade is still “the” drugstore of NYC. (Even though it now has to report to Walgreens overlords.)
9. Getting a light or dark ale at McSorleys (and everything inside) is pretty much the same.
10. The Grand Central Oyster Bar underneath Grand Central Terminal, looks basically the same as it did when it opened in 1913.

11. Pale Male the famous hawk who lives near Central Park.
12. Dollar Slices.
13. Di Fara (It's possible Domenico DeMarco hasn't taken a day off in 20 years.)
14. NY1 still plays in waiting rooms across the city.
15. Doc Holliday's. (It probably hasn't been cleaned since then.)

16. 7B (Horseshoe Bar). Proof in motion pictures.
17. The rat population! (Though they have gotten smarter.)
18. Corner Bistro, Ear Inn, White Horse Tavern, Arthur's Tavern...
19. The gay scene at Julius or Boiler Room.
20. Penn Station. Or so it seems.