
17 shady things all New Yorkers do to their roommates

Written by
Jillian Anthony

With soaring rent prices and an insane cost of living in NYC, roommates are an inescapable reality for many New Yorkers. But that doesn't mean we're all the perfect housemates. Here are 17 things we've all been guilty of now and then.

1. Eat their food when they’re gone
Those Trader Joe's cookies? No, haven't seen them...

2. Use their fancy bath products
This $50 leave-in conditioner smells like sweet heaven, no wonder she buys it!

3. Sleep in their room if they’re gone if they have better A/C
Oh THIS is what it feels like to not have night sweats.

4. Watch porn in their room if they have better Wifi
What he doesn't know, won't hurt him...

5. Wear their clothes if it’s been forever since you’ve done laundry
I'll just slip this back in her drawer when she's not around, it's such a cute color!

6. “Accidentally” throw away any of their really ugly dishes or glasses
I feel awful about breaking that mug shaped like Jabba the Hutt, really...

7. Smoke in the apartment if they’re not there
When mom's away, the kids will play!

8. Have sex while they’re trying to sleep
Yes, we have to live together, but I have needs!

9. Say you’ll mail the rent checks when you’re short on money and then don’t actually mail them til' you get paid
The landlord said the checks were late? Wow, that's SO weird!

10. If you have someone over and the apartment’s messy, blame it on your roommate
Ugh, she always leaves the house like this, I am SO sorry.

11. Take their umbrellas
Oh, I thought it was mine!

12. Take one of your roommate's beers because you're too lazy to walk to the bodega for more
Eh, they won't miss just one... (flash forward to a six-pack later)

13. Leave passive aggressive post-it notes
"Liz, can you take out the trash please? Thanks SO much!"

14. Hook up in and on communal spaces
That counter you're slicing your bread? Yeah, my asshole has been there.

15. Steal their condoms
Oh come on, dude, wouldn't you rather me be safe than sorry?

16. Charge new roommates more so you pay less
Hey, I was here first.

17. Pick your dishes out of the sink and wash them, but not your roommates'
One word: Petty.


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