They’re always there for you when you need them, whether it’s taking care of you after a long night out or providing comfort after a rough day at the office. In fact, you know each other so well, they sometimes even order for you. No, we’re not describing the perfect boyfriend, we’re talking about a far more important relationship in every New Yorker’s life: the one with their favorite local bodega. Here are 15 signs to look for to see if your relationship is getting serious.
1. They let you use the claw to reach the top shelf and you don’t even have to ask. Trust is so important in your relationship.
2. After a long day, they’ll make you your favorite food in under a minute. Sometimes, they know what you want as soon as you walk in.
3. You know everything about each other. They know your name, and you know where they keep their best soups.
4. You’re so close that you use their deodorant.
5. You’re beginning to spend every night and morning together.
6. You’ve met their family. Like, the entire family that owns the bodega.
7. They’ve given you something for free. Probably a pickle.
8. You get along great with their pet. You’ve started to think of their cat as family.
9. They make you a priority. They’ll always ring you up before the drunk guy in front of you.
10. You don’t care how you look in front of them. Your relationship is relaxed enough for them to see you in sweatpants and flip-flops.
11. You’ve had a huge fight and worked through it. They finally started stocking sriracha again.
12. You get ready at their place. Usually, by picking up a six-pack of beer.
13. They’ve seen you at your worst, and they keep taking you back.
14. No matter what, you always know their door is open.
15. You basically live there.

Photograph: Courtesy Creative Commons/Flickr/armisteadbooker