By now, we should all know to expect delays on any given subway ride. A broken rail, ongoing construction and general mishaps can turn a morning commute into an unbearable mess. While delays may bring our days to a halt, nothing will stop us from complaining like true New Yorkers. Here are some thoughts that have gone through all New Yorkers' heads when the MTA gods are against us.
1. “I might as well memorize these ads since we’ll be here forever.”
2. “Who would I partner with if we were to start a colony in this car?”
3. "How many days of my life have I spent being stuck in the subway?”
4. “I could've learned another language by now.”
5. “Should I take a nap?”
6. “I am NOT in the mood for another emergency walk out.”
7. “Why didn't you stay home, sick passenger?”
8. “If I had known I was going to be late to work anyway, I wouldn't have rushed.”
9. “C’mon, MTA! If Apple can put out a new iPhone every year, we can figure out how to fix these ‘signal malfunctions.'”
10. “How come I'm never lucky enough to be in the same car as a Broadway musical cast whenever I get stuck on the train?”
11. “I should've brought a book. I always say that, but I never do.”
12. “Thank goodness I have a seat.”
13. “I wish I had a seat…”
14. “I can’t tell if I’m falling asleep or dying of boredom.”
15. “I should’ve used the bathroom before getting on the train.”