Ah, tourists—the strange creatures who are the subject of both jest and ire by New Yorkers. If you live in the city, you've probably had at least one encounter with a family from North Dakota who asks you to take their photo while they block the entire sidewalk. Tourists don't get New York and, while it's not their fault, their naivety is simultaneously frustrating and hilarious. Here are 19 moments that every one of the city's 50 million annual visitors definitely experiences.
1. Getting excited about an empty subway car, only to be extremely disappointed upon entering.
2. Honestly thinking that rush hour on the subway is exciting.
3. Justifying a trip to Times Square, even though your local hosts tell you to skip it.
4. Feeling an overwhelming sense of rage that your cocktail costs $14.
5. Wondering if a trip to Brooklyn or Astoria requires a ferry.
6. Waiting to cross the street until you have the walk sign.
7. Assuming that Duane Reade locations are few and far between, only to realize you were very much mistaken.
8. Being surprised when bars stay open past 2am.
9. Getting worried that good food won't be available past 11pm, and being pleasantly surprised that nothing has closed.
10. Pointing at and petting the horses on the street.
11. Lamenting the fact that the $10 you put on your MetroCard only lasted a day.
12. Having all of your friendly looks and nods met by confused looks.
13. Getting way too excited about discovering “Famous Original Ray's Pizza.”
14. Discovering that Starbucks is never an ideal place to use the restroom, but at least it's there during emergencies.