New Yorkers are notoriously honest, sincere, cross-my-heart-and-hope-to-die folk. Wait, you believed that? Must not be from around here. Seriously though, who can't related to using a little white lie to impress a stranger, get out of a sticky situation, or break up the monotony of everyday life? Here are 14 fibs every New Yorker has told. Promise.
1. “Sorry, mom, you're breaking up—this train is about to go underground. You'll have to finish the story about your knitting circle later."
2. "I'd love another drink, but I need to wake up early and go to the gym."
3. "Yes, new subway friend, my phone number really starts with 555 just like in the movies. Isn't that weird?"
4. "I love my job."
5. "That Xbox belongs to my roommate. That's his dirty dish too. Man, how did his Spider-Man sheets get on my bed?"
6. "I'm running late to work the morning after the holiday party because I had to wait for, like, three L trains to go by."
7. "Sure, I don’t mind meeting you in Times Square."
8. "Sure, I don’t mind meeting you in Hoboken."
9. "Yep, I live alone."
10. "I'll Venmo you back."
11. "Just a few blocks away! I’ll be there soon."
12. "Sorry I'm going to miss your group birthday dinner—I’m working late at the office."
13. "Is there a student discount? Yes, I’m a student"
14. "My mom actually SAVES money by having me on the family plan."