Started in 2014 and completed in 2016, the 100 Gates Projects, in which street artists painted colorful murals on storefront security gates for 100 Lower East Side businesses, has been a huge success—so much so that it’s being expanded to East Harlem and downtown Staten Island. As before, the Lower East Side Partnership is taking the lead in connecting artists and area business owners looking to have a street art masterpiece of their own. The plan is to have artists chosen through an open call to paint another 100 gates, with 50 murals going up in East Harlem and another 50 gracing downtown Staten Island. As with the original project, funding is being provided by New York City’s Department of Small Business Services. Work is expected to start later this spring with completion over the next year and a half. In case you haven’t seen any of the gates already on view, here’s some examples of what you’ve been missing.

Abigail Kaage

Damien Mitchell

Jack Aguirre

Jessica Blowers

Jessica Blowers