Fact: It feels good to be a little vulgar sometimes (okay, always). Unfortunately, not everyone in the world is as understanding or accepting of your need to drop the F-bomb or walk outside topless. But luckily, a few local home decor shops in New York and a few other retailers get it, for they craft and sell totally inappropriate but awesome merchandise that you can proudly display in your home. Best of all, no one can say a damn f**king thing about it because, hell, it's your f**cking apartment! Go nuts.
Cold Picnic Private Parts: Penis and Torso rugs, $200, coldpicnic.com
Beam T is for Third Nipple and S is for Subliminal prints by Mark McGinnis, $250, at beambk.com
Group Partner Boy Terra Cotta pot, $45, at group-partner.com
Group Partner Tanlines pot, $65, at group-partner.com
Interior Illusions Middle Finger sculpture, $45, at etsy.com
At A Glance Graphics poster, $10, at etsy.com
Cardinal and Fitz Don't Be a Dick hand-embroidery, $23, at etsy.com
Ms. Betty's Bad-ass Bitch candle, $18, at etsy.com