Outside, a smiling, six-foot fiberglass pig beckons—apparently unaware that, inside, his porker brethren are being doled out for free in the form of glistening hot dogs, gas-station food-mart style. The huge selection of beers (including house brand Rudy’s Red Ale), the strong $3 well drinks and the rock-and-blues-heavy jukebox bring together khaki-clad office types and grizzled neighborhood regulars. Don’t bother asking for a fancy cocktail—it ain’t that kind of place.
The vibe: A long-standing dive that serves free hot dogs with every drink.
The food: Free hot dogs with every drink.
The drink: Mostly beer, not much that’s too crafty. Everything comes in pitchers or pints. There’s a full bar, so don’t worry if you’re not beer drinker.
Time Out tip: Cash only. It’s an unapologetic dive bar in midtown, so maybe don’t come here on a first date? (Unless you know for a fact that the person is real cool and loves hot dogs). Free wifi! This was one of Anthony Bourdain’s favorite spots.