Despite its titular nod to damnation, this Hell’s Kitchen’s destination—attractively outfitted with dark mahogany panels and a slate-topped bar—has heavenly amenities. Particularly commendable are the 16 brews on tap and 18 by the bottle or can. We like the hard-to-find German Weihenstephan, a smooth Hefeweizen poured from an Irish Kilkenny system that chills each line from keg to tap. The result is a clean, cold brew every time. Nothing hellacious about that.
Beyond the beer there’s a short list of cocktails, ranging from Old Fashioneds, Manhattans and Negronis to Black Russians, Palomas and Hot Toddys that look good when the cold weather hits.
Perdition does a good trade in hosting parties but make sure you keep an eye out for special events, too – St Patrick’s Day here is popular.