Order a drink and the barman does something odd: He offers you an ashtray. Yes, it’s a legal cigar bar. Beer glasses are frosted, martinis are shaken, and the selection of single-malt Scotches and cognacs is topflight. The celeb clientele has included Robert De Niro, Quentin Tarantino, Jessica Simpson and John Mayer (woo woo!).

Hudson Bar and Books
Time Out says
- Address
- 636 Hudson St
- New York
- 10014
- Cross street:
- between Horatio and Jane Sts
- Transport:
- Subway: A, C, E to 14th St; L to Eighth Ave
- Price:
- Average drink: $12. AmEx, DC, MC, V
- Opening hours:
- Mon–Wed 5pm–2am, Thu–Sat 5pm–4am
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