Pierre Huyghe, a French artist know for poetic projects that encompass video, sculpture and landscaping, has transformed the Met’s rooftop into a mystical installation—a kind of archaeological excavation of the metaphorical place where the natural world seems unnatural. Segments of the roof’s paving stones have been pried off, stacked to the side like lids from freshly exhumed sarcophagi. Nearby, a large aquarium features a boulder inexplicably floating as part of a tableaux that periodically assumes a milky opacity, as if someone suddenly flipped a switch to obscure the scene. The piece goes back and forth like that, alternately hiding and revealing the contents within—an enigmatic, even unsettling, reminder that all is not what it seems.
Installation view of “The Roof Garden Commission: Pierre Huyghe” at The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 2015
Galleries usually shutter for the end of summer, though more and more are keeping their doors open through July and August. As for the museums, well, their exhibitions run well into autumn. The upshot: If you’re looking to cool yourself with an art fix during the hot summer months, check out these museum and gallery shows of contemporary art.
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